CTRR for Schools
CTRR steps into your shoes.
We provide end-to-end services: strategic advice, market-knowledge, negotiating skill, analysis and documentation, and boots-on-the-ground during construction — to move you from the idea of a project through opening the door to your new facility.
Leadership in every project phase
▪ Strategic advisory services for CEO’s, CFO’s, Executive Directors,
and Boards
▪ Program development (Needs assessment and preliminary
space programming)
▪ Site searches
▪ Financial analysis of competing options
▪ Lease or purchase negotiation and structuring (term sheet)
▪ Deal documentation
▪ Assembling the design and construction team
▪ RFP to retain architect
▪ RFP to retain GC/CM
▪ Construction coordination (owner’s rep services)
▪ On-site project management during construction
▪ Municipal/state/federal incentives negotiation and analysis
▪ Program compliance (grant funding for construction)
▪ Lease renewals
▪ Resolving landlord/tenant disputes
▪ Special projects